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WE 826-GO Torguard VPN

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:41 pm
by GrandPooh-Bah
Torguard VPN has a list of OpenVPN Config Files and Scripts that you can download for routers here
I'm not sure which one I need and the method of adding it to the router.

Re: WE 826-GO Torguard VPN

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:31 am
by BillA
Let us know if you get it to work.

My take on VPN's is that they may not be as useful as most people think.
1. Most websites nowadays use HTTPS which is fully end-to-end encrypted, therefore a man-in-the-middle can't see any of your data.
2. DNS queries are still done by a network of DNS server worldwide, so even if you use a VPN, somewhere in the "cloud" there are records of the sites you have visited.
3. Having any kind of Google service running in the background (ex. Gmail, GoogleMaps, etc) on any of your pc's or mobile devices connected to the router, leaks out your identity with precise time-stamped records of your connections and even GPS data. No bueno! lol
4. VPN's in general slows down your connection speed due to all the encryption/decryption overhead (as low as 5Mbps regardless of how fast your actual connection speed is), which really sucks. Also a potential hack of the VPN server (ex. NordVPN's reported hack) will leak every website your have ever visited plus more. Honestly, I don't trust VPN's more than a regular ISP/mobile service.
5. On the other hand, simply using a mobile router has a great little side-effect, upon every reboot usually you'll get assigned a new dynamic IP. Additionally, if you use a throwaway prepaid sim every month, it becomes virtually untraceable, especially if your buy and activate your sim card at a local dealer with no name, no info, paid by cash. Good for you, bad for the snoopers. tsk-tsk ;D