MC7455 IPV6 Issues with GoldenOrb | ROOter and T-Mobile

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MC7455 IPV6 Issues with GoldenOrb | ROOter and T-Mobile

Post by JimHelms »

NOTE: This tutorial addresses numerous AT Commands and tips to explain the purpose and effects thereof. The examples and Helpful Reminders should help people better understand the use of the AT Commands.

I recently configured a WE826-T with GoldenOrb | Rooter to use with T-Mobile.

While I normally configure and program the MC7455 prior to installation, I did not do so on this build. I installed the MC7455 into the WE826, updated the firmware to ROOter, set the root password, the APN for T-Mobile, made a few adjustments on the WiFi and did a hard reboot (using the power cord). When it came back online, it connected to the network almost immediately. However, when I check out the NETWORK > INTERFACES tab for WAN1 (wwan0), it showed only an ipv4 address.

I decided to start with the MC7455 as to the reason it lacked an IPV6 address. Off top of my head, I could only think of a few possibilities:

(1) The SIM Card and service would not allow for an IPV6 address (e.g.,Sprint's ZTE Pocket WiFi),
(2) The APN was programmed only for an IPV4 address, or,
(3) IPV6 is not enabled in the MC7455.

Having previously configured a T-Mobile router, I discounted the first possibility. Prior to installing a MC7455, I generally configure the last two possibilities when I set up the modem. So figured these would be my immediate targets.

I went into the MODEM > MISCELLANEOUS tab to access the AT-COMMAND TERMINAL.

The first item I checked was the composition of the modem:

Code: Select all

Helpful reminder: Any major changes to a Sierra Wireless modem, initially requires permission using:

Code: Select all

The permission is required only once during the same programming session. Anytime the modem is rebooted or powered on, the permission must again be entered prior to entering AT Commands. There are also AT commands to return various information about the modem and its connection. Using the permission command will return more detailed information for the AT command.

The "at!usbcomp?" command returned:

Code: Select all

Config Index: 1
Config Type:  1 (Generic)
Interface bitmask: 0000050D (diag,nmea,modem,rmnet0,rmnet1) 
This reflects that the MC7455 is configured in QMI composition for a two wwan network interfaces.

Helpful Reminder: Notice the "?" on the end of the "at!usbcomp?" command. You will notice the "?" and "=?" on various AT Commands. The difference is the "?" is requesting specific information about the modem's current configuration, where the "=?" generally requests the options available for the command. For example, and using our command above, if we wanted to know what USB compositions were available:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

at!usbcomp =?
AT!USBCOMP=<Config Index>,<Config Type>,<Interface bitmask>
  <Config Index>      - configuration index to which the composition applies, should be 1

  <Config Type>       - 1:Generic, 2:USBIF-MBIM, 3:RNDIS
                        config type 2/3 should only be used for specific Sierra PIDs: 68B1, 9068
                        customized VID/PID should use config type 1

  <Interface bitmask> - DIAG     - 0x00000001,
                        NMEA     - 0x00000004,
                        MODEM    - 0x00000008,
                        RMNET0   - 0x00000100,
                        RMNET1   - 0x00000400,
                        MBIM     - 0x00001000,
  10D  - diag, nmea, modem, rmnet interfaces enabled
  1009 - diag, modem, mbim interfaces enabled

  The default configuration is:

My thoughts began working its way though the entanglement of cobwebs and returned a fuzzy memory about QMI conflicting with IPV6. Since I normally use MBIM without issue, I decided to re-configure its composition accordingly.

Code: Select all

at!usbcomp = 1,1,1009
Helpful reminder: The "at!reset" reboots the modem which is necessary for all AT Commands that are modifying the modem's configuration to take effect. You may also enter all of your AT Commands (one at a time) and reset the modem when all have been entered. As such, at the end of this tutorial I will list all AT Commands in a single box to use for this fix.

The command responded with:

Code: Select all

at!usbcomp = 1,1,1009
Along with setting the modem in MBIM composition, I decided to enter my usual configuration commands (although ROOter generally manages them). The list of AT Commands I will use and their effects "(...)" are:

Code: Select all

at!selrat=06        (set the modem to receive LTE only)
at+cfun=?           (sets the modem to full functionality)
at!band=00         (sets the modem bands to ALL bands)
at!custom="IPV6ENABLE",1 (enables IPV6)
at+cgdcont=1,"ipv4v6",""  (sets a IPV4V6 APN for T-Mobile)
at!reset             (reboots the modem)
To make it easier to copy and paste, I will include the all the AT Commands below required for this tutorial and fix:

Code: Select all

at!usbcomp = 1,1,1009
Also be sure the APN is set correctly in ROOter: MODEM > CONNECTION INFORMATION > APN >

When the MC7455 comes back on line and connects, assuming no other interfaces have been modified or altered, you should have an IPV4 and IPV6 address.

If any of the interfaces were modified, and prior to performing the above, I would suggest resetting ROOter to its default settings. Go to SYSTEM > BACKUP/FLASH FIRMWARE > PERFORM RESET.
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Re: MC7455 IPV6 Issues with GoldenOrb | ROOter and T-Mobile

Post by coffinsupply »

what is the at command to disable v6 btw?
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Re: MC7455 IPV6 Issues with GoldenOrb | ROOter and T-Mobile

Post by JimHelms »

You can disable the IPV6 with the following.

Code: Select all

You may also need to program in a ipv4 address though I am uncertain if this is always required. For example, on T-Mobile APN:

Code: Select all

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Re: MC7455 IPV6 Issues with GoldenOrb | ROOter and T-Mobile

Post by disneyforlife »

I am getting ipv4 and ipv6 np but i can not get more than .5mb up and down with a brand new tmobile data plan I have np with any sprint plans anyone know why? I have unlimited lte 50gb before slow down anyways all settings are correct i can pick up multiple t mobile bands with like 70% signal and connect np
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Re: MC7455 IPV6 Issues with GoldenOrb | ROOter and T-Mobile

Post by JimHelms »

Hi, this is a tutorial on how to enable IPV6 on a router for T-Mobile.

Your post is unrelated to this topic. Please move your post to the Questions and Support section.

And, you will find it easier for someone to help you if you better detail your router, firmware and modem and situation.
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