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RM502Q-AE Tmobile speeds dip after minutes, but faster after restart modem

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:51 pm
by macuseri686
So i have an RM502Q-AE with Tmobile magenta max in a wg1608. currently i get about 60-80mbps down. however, this speed is only right after ive turned the modem on. after about 10 or 20 mins later, sometimes longer like an hour, i run a speedtest again, and only get like 30 or 40 down. after any number of hours, its still at 30-40. if i restart the modem with an AT+CFUN=1,1 it goes right back up to full speed for like 10-20 mins again. the signal stats dont change at all between full speed and slowdown. also, the modem isnt really that hot either at like 60c. i bought a copper heatsink for it just in case though. any ideas what i can do about the speed dropoff?