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USB 3.0 M.2 Version 2 - Sled Issues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:01 pm
by hw1353

I'm experiencing some issues with the newer USB 3.0 M.2 Modem sleds from LTEFIX.

I've purchased 2 of these, and a coworker has also purchased one, and all 3 are experiencing the same issue.

Issue: While the modem is in the sled, it never connects to LTE

-I can take said modem out and use a m.2 adapter for the NEX6GO, and it will connect.
-I can put the modem in the V1 USB sled from a year or so ago from LTEFIX, and it will connect without issue.

-I've tried a 4A 12v Power supply from LTEFIX and a 5amp 12v Netgear power supply I have, I've provided the sled its own power, tried 5v and 12v.
-I've tried a EM12g, EM7411, EM7455 and a EM06 in these sleds, all have the same results. Nothing ever connects.

-I have tried these sleds plugged into a NEX6GO and a GL 1300 flashed with rooter.
-I've verified sma connectors/pigtails are good, and even swapped those out with some spares.

Watching the debug window, nothing ever happens.

This message will loop for 10 minutes:

Code: Select all

Sat Mar 19 21:37:16 2022 : /dev/ttyUSB2 AT+CPMS="SM"
+CPMS: 0,30,0,30,0,30
I have purchased probably 5-10 of the original version 1 sleds in the past, still have a few, no issues with those. I can use the original V1 sleds without external/extra power, and the modems will still connect and work.

Is there something about the newer sleds thats different? Seems odd that I have the exact same issue across 3 sleds in the past 6 months.

Thanks for any insight!
