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Quectel EM160R-GL and CA monitoring

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:46 am
by Rrutl
I have seen mentions here about AT commands for the Quectel EM160R-GL module and that some basic commands don't appear to work, especially disabling 4x4 mimo and antenna signal info. I have tried to determine whether my setup is using the second pair of antennas or not. I can see the modem is in CAX3 and I understnd that my local tower might not support anything beyond CAX3. I have noticed considerable improvement in my sustained bandwidth after connecting the additional antennas, so that might be an answer in itself. I'm wondering if the modules have been "dummed down" rendered incapable of disabling 4x4 mimo and I have every intention of using that capability. But without going beyond CAx3 or being able to view individual antenna signal strength, I'm in the dark about any further benefits that the modem might be capable of. Just to put some perspective, I am in a geographically challenging situation (mountain hollow, dense forest ) and throughout my experience I have (with various different equipment and setups ) gone from 1-5 mbps to 15-20 mbps by using 4x4 and cat 16. I am as they say "at cell edge" but I now have sustainable use of my one tower with these advanced technologies. I'm reluctant to do any further tweaks like additional TTL custom rules without a better understanding of the EM160. I'm using a Visible sim and in addition to the 4x4 and CA3 , I am wondering if QAM technology has made another improvement to my bandwidth. My next area of exploration will be with the best antenna arrangement but in another thread. Thanks as always and my salute to service members.