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Orbi LBR20 - Strange behavior (Speed)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:49 pm
by defpdp
Hi everyone,

I've searched everywhere and couldn't find a similar problem, I am hoping some of you may have an idea what's going on.

Background: I replaced my MoFI 4500 with the Orbi this past weekend to take advantage for the newer modem and see if the speeds were worth the purchase. I am using AT&T as the network provider in Ohio.


Here's what I've noticed, I get fast speeds (to me) only the first hour or so after the unit boots up and it will trickle down to 20-25 MBps consistently unless I reboot, at first I thought it was a band issue but I am not so sure as I've been monitoring the active band and so far no matter which band (Band 2/Band 14/ Band 30 located so far via PuTTY) have all performed the same way.

Prior to noticing all bands behaving the same way I was going to try and lock to the faster band by monitoring via AT+QNWINFO but at a loss since so far they also perform the same.

Typical speeds on all bands:
Intial speed test after reboot 100-130Mbps

After 30-60 minutes:
Stays consistently at 20-25Mbps

Thank you very much in advance for any input!

Re: Orbi LBR20 - Strange behavior (Speed)

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:39 pm
by hazarjast
What you describe is standard deprioritization. This will be worst during the most congested periods of the day. Try testing at 3AM vs. 8PM or at the very start of your next billing cycle vs. midway through a month. All other things being constant (band/tower/signal strength), this will confirm it.