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WE-826 T2 managed new firmware but still not understanding

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:03 pm
by swagr
I have the WE-826 T2 from KuWifi, and after a bit of struggle I managed to get installed through the boot kidder a new firmware. I was a little confused with the different sizes and guessed at 16MB of the following version: Powered by LuCI openwrt-19.07 branch (git-20.341.57626-51f55b5) / OpenWrt 19.07.5 r11257-5090152ae3

It boots up at the suspect IP but that is about all it does. I can’t find any mention of the cellular modem or the Quael Brand modem it should have inside.

I should note that the router was operational, albeit a little fluffy with the factory OEM firmware it had come with. I got fed up with that firmware and the inability to more granularity control my signal to the radio. That leaves me here, with two new SIM cards, one in Verizon and one on ATT. ATT was what was working before but is also an account that had to be reprovisioned so that SIM has technically never operational. The verizon SIM was provisioned and should work, I although I never had they SIM in a operational state as far as internet access goes.

I’m not clear if there is another firmware I supposed to now flash now that I most likely need nit use the boot loader to flash and can use the menus? It doesn’t say golden orb anywhere I can see, there was no Chinese text, and there seems no direct console to paste AT commands to.

Where do I go from here?