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Pulling Cellular Modems

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:52 pm
by earlofgainz
Just venturing into this world so please excuse me if this is ridiculous.

I've just started travelling in my van and was looking for better connectivity options. I started to look at an external MIMO antennas and routers. This led me to the Pepwave Transit Max Duo and MM7-in-1. However after further review my data plans wouldn't be compatible and the modems wouldn't register the carrier. (I looked at Visible but the ping times are horrible)

Next, I ventured into the world of possibly tethering and masking it as "On Device Data" but I didn't like this option for multiple reasons.

So I got to thinking, maybe someone is pulling modems out of cellphones and selling these type of off-market devices? This would get around the IMEI issues with the carrier, provides the capabilities of wiring into a better MIMO external antenna and you get better modems.

Is there anyone doing this or is this impossible?


Re: Pulling Cellular Modems

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:18 am
by Didneywhorl
I'm not sure. The issue is mostly that the modem is a chip directly soldered into the phones main board and is interfaced this way, versus a hostless modem module that most of us use. You CAN though likely tether the phone to a router, open the phone up and pop off the phones internal antennas and apply your own. I've seen the connectors on some, they look like mhf4/ipex4 connectors. It may be possible, but I have not seen it done this way myself; though I do have a friend that is ready to try it.
One shall see :)