novatel usb551l issue receiving sms

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novatel usb551l issue receiving sms

Post by mcord17 »

so i have the novatel usb551L from verzion, and its connected to my windows desktop and im able to connect to it over COM port and send AT commands, and im able to set sms mode to text, and im able to send sms, and im even able to get it to notify the terminal when it recieves an sms, but im not able to read sms.

AT+CMGL="ALL" gets a response of "ok" and nothing more.

when i set it to notify the terminal of incoming sms with AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0
it says ok.
then when i send a message to the device's phone number i get:
+CMTI: "SM",3

so naturally I try to read index 3 and...



so then i checked storage and it says the only available storage is sim card and the sim card can store 0 text messages maximum

+CPMS: "SM",0,0,"SM",0,0,"SM",0,0

what the heck is going on here? how do i view messages received? if it really has no where to store the messages, why cant i get it to send the message to the terminal, instead of just sending a notification?

any help would be appreciated
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Rich Hathaway
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Re: novatel usb551l issue receiving sms

Post by Rich Hathaway »

use one of the internal tools to pull them, I do not have this devices firmware on this pc it is to old so it is on a ext storage drive so I cant tell you which one to use but possibly system control module or I am sure it has an sms module if it does not
then the webui will have one, these devices have alot of the functions set to not be shown in the ui but they can be set to
show them by config file.
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Re: novatel usb551l issue receiving sms

Post by mcord17 »

Where can I get a hold of one of these internal tools, i would start with Google, but “internal tool” is too vague and I’m not experienced enough with networking devices to already know what these internal tools are called.

If you could give me a little more information, or point me in the right direction, that’d be awesome.
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