I can modify most hotspots and many router models and hard code new IMEI and FID also TTL kernel patching and modification on novatel, inseego, sierra/netgear, zte, alcatel and others, models such as 6620,7000/7730, 8000/8800/m2000/m2100/m3000/m3100/fw2000/fg2000/fx2000, usb800,usb730,usb620, any mr1100 model, mr5100/mr5200/mr6150/mr6400/mr6500/mr6550, ac791 and some older models.
Unlock devices such as, any Inseego/novatel & sierra/netgear, etc. Mifi 8000 any variant,sprint, bell, ATT.
Also I have compiled custom firmwares for many/most of those, unbranding/re-branding services make custom menus do custom jobs. Thanks for looking & happy hacking

PM me or post here any questions or inquire about any service.