Notice of Copyrighted Content

Notices related to copyrighted material
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Notice of Copyrighted Content

Post by JimHelms »

Along with a common respect we hold for the work of all content creators who choose to post and share their work on the Wireless Joint forum, we are hosted and owned by US entities. Thus, we remind all users of the Wireless Joint forum that copyright to the author for any work published herein is implicit whether or not it is explicitly reserved by the author (See "Copyright Act of 1976", "Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998", et. al.).

In plain language this means that the forum's structure and layout, its tutorials, images, instructional material and all other work cannot be republished in whole or in part without the written permission and consent of the original creator. If the original author cannot be reached for consent then a link to the original forum post shall be used by those wishing to share the content in lieu of copying and pasting the body of a work in its entirety--as doing such would be in violation of copyright law.

Furthermore, we stand behind the author's right to publish a work anonymously while still retaining copyright to their original work under any identities or pseudonyms used while posting on the Wireless Joint forum. In some cases, authors may make reference to topics that could fall under ToS or legal statutes that vary by region. Given that all Wireless Joint content is publicly accessible, if a work is published under a forum pseudonym, republication even with consent should be cited under the original author's pseudonym unless consent has been expressly granted for citation using their full legal name. This affirms the value of the work while still respecting the privacy of the individual.

We thank all forum members for their continued contributions to Wireless Joint and the cellular community at large. By using this site you agree to be bound by these terms.

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