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by shwaba
Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:38 pm
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Re: PSA: AT&T Doing away with $35 iPad Unlimited.

I was in one of my prepaid ipad accounts and noticed under the plans that the $34.99 unlimited option is back.
Not sure if this is available for existing customers or everyone. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere so I thought I'd share.
2020-07-28 18_12_19-Add_Edit Domestic Data Plans.png
by shwaba
Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:02 am
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Re: Att postpaid ipad plan question

techp1 wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:10 am How you change ttl settings?
by shwaba
Sat Dec 26, 2020 1:06 pm
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Re: Att postpaid ipad plan question

It needs to be Linux 65? I think have it on 64 I've never had to change this setting on my Mofi because this is for a $35 Ipad prepaid account and there is not a limit on the hotspot data. I think the most common TTL for AT$T is 65. older post that may be worth looking at for different carrier TTL ...
by shwaba
Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:43 am
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Re: TTL and more settings, what else?

Using OpenWRT firmware like GoldenOrb or WiFix.

You should be setting the TTL under Network > Firewall > Custom Rules

See this post on tethering:
by shwaba
Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:57 pm
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Re: Starlink now available to order

Starlink_2021-02-27 16_45_16-.png
I've only had it for literally an hour but I've never had a test like this on LTE at 5PM. So far testing the worst test was 68mbps down.
by shwaba
Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:19 pm
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Re: Starlink now available to order

Would you give a review on your Starlink Gateway for what it offers? Things I've seen so far is the GUI seems to made for troubleshooting by tech support it's filled with stats and such, but nothing you can fiddle with. The supplied router has a very good Wifi signal, but I ditched it because it ...